Journalists Resource

We are just one group of many different teams of campaigners working professionally and voluntarily for Jeremy. As a private technology driven consultancy working pro bono for him Jeremy asked us to web publish evidence from his case. We also work with, and provide evidence for various media outlets should they contact us requiring further resource.

Jeremy also has a private document management system which is internet based and holds over five thousand documents which is less than 10% of documentation currently available. Jeremy wanted an easy way to collect, store and share information on his case and he asked us to set up this up and manage it for him.

This provides his lawyers and forensic teams with the vital information they need to work on his case. In a technology driven world we have brought a 25 year old case in to the 21st century by converting and collating documents from 1985 and presenting them in electronic form.

Evidence is scanned in high resolution files and uses FTP for ease of access although other technologies have recently been useful in the transmission of information. This evidence is also put into context with further supporting explanatory notes. The principal wrongdoings which have caused this miscarriage of justice are simplistic, but filtering through the documentary evidence is detailed and fastidious.

The document share is not available for the general public to access.

At Jeremy's request we also web publish information on his case working with the specifics that he submits to us daily and this is always done in an ethical and professional manner. There are many areas to take into consideration including legal aspects when issuing sensitive information. We currently run two web sites, @bambertweets and this blogger.

If you have any queries or work in the media and would like to find out more about the case please do not hesitate to contact us. Using the evidence contextually we work with all outlets and their legal teams, often going through the rigorous process of allowing detailed examination of documents for publication.

We only link to web sites that are prepared to link back to us. If you would like to do a link exchange drop us a line on the contact us link.


Mark, Sarah, Jo & the team.

Jeremy Bamber

Jeremy Bamber
Innocent Jeremy Bamber